Hey guys, we’ve visited the
Dragon Hall a few times now and it looks just great. But we figure
you might enjoy looking at the blank canvas we will be using on
Saturday to create as best a Sonic convention as we can. So here
are some photographs we took of the inside of the hall in Covent
To the right you can see the entrance to the Dragon Hall - click
the image to enlarge it. Hopefully you won’t be seeing too
much of this front door if you end up queuing outside, we’ll
try to get things moving as quickly as possible. Even if
you’re stuck outside for a while, our special guests,
co-ordinators and even Sonic the Hedgehog may make an appearance to
make your wait a little less boring. We may even get Kevin (AAUK)
to do a dance for you.
The road immediately outside the Dragon Hall is quite narrow -
only a car’s width wide - so naturally queues will have to be
lined up by the pavement. Bicycle not included.

Not exactly a perfect 360-degree perspective, but here’s
an idea of what the inside of the hall looks like, minus all the
Sonic decorations and special guests. Click each image to expand
them, as these thumbnails are cropped. Those basketball hoops
can’t be removed from the hall, so our team are going to be a
bit creative in moving them out of the way of attendees - or even
covering them up. The stage and projector will be finding a home in
the first image, by the windows, and the Art Corner will be placed
in the second image above. The Sonic Chronicles pod plus
Merchandise cabinet, Comics tables and Games Zone will be in the
area displayed in the third picture, and there’s a little
window there so you can see Svend slave away over a hot stove. The
crow’s nest will be decorated with an awesome banner that
AAUK has had made.
Bear in mind that the placement of all these sections
aren’t final - we may have a headache in the morning actually
putting the plan to practice, as always - but that’s our
ideas for use of the hall. Thought it’d be cool to let you in
on the thought processes going on around here. Richard Jacques
joined us to see if the piano was in good nick a few weeks ago, and
ended up giving impromptu renditions of Shenmue and OutRun. It was
quite difficult asking questions about the hall when we wanted to
run towards the piano and make a request.
Hope you’re as geared up as we are about Saturday - as
mentioned earlier, pre-registration is go! So er, go.