Sonic Chronicles-inspired Merchandise Cards
Friday, July 18th, 2008, 6:26 pm
To celebrate the fact
we’ve got Sonic Chronicles available for people to play, what
better way to provide information and give random facts to
attendees than info cards in the style of a Chronicles
conversation! Created by Sonic Wrecks to provide a bit of a fun
spin on things, you will be seeing these cards all over the place,
most likely in the Merchandise Cabinet we’ll have on display
by the back wall.
Click the image to the right to see it in full size - Sonic Wrecks made a special example card for this announcement, which help reveal Sonic Chronicles’ presence at the convention and also shows Rouge’s sneaky bat-girl ways.
What do you think of it? Like the style? Let us know in the Comments panel.
July 18th, 2008 at 6:51 pm
I think this an awesome idea, I’m seriously looking forward to playing this, as I don’t play a lot of RPG’s but this looks amazing! Great work, guys…
July 20th, 2008 at 11:09 pm
From what i saw from e3, i was itching to play it and now i get the chance Before fall 2008?! YAY =3