SOS! SOS! SOS! 2008!
Thursday, June 12th, 2008, 1:15 amHi everyone, and welcome to the brand new Summer of Sonic website! We have had many, many requests to continue what we started in 2006 as an annual online event. We didn’t do this, as we felt that we could never really top our collaborative effort for Sonic’s 15th Anniversary (plus it was a lot of hard work for me!), but we kept it open for everyone to see since its closure. You can still find the original website here.
Instead, I have decided to revive the Summer of Sonic name with a new proposition: what if there was a Sonic the Hedgehog fan convention? There have been small community meetups before, but nothing on the scale of a proper con. There are large conventions for many different cult icons, so why has there not been one for SEGA’s mascot?
So at the beginning of the year I set off to make a little plan for a mass gathering of Sonic fans. With the help of ArchAngelUK and SEGA Europe, we have been able to set up a humble hall and decorate it with various blue blur attire.
The joy of this is not only will you be able to come along and meet with fellow fans like myself, we’ve also made sure there are plenty of things to do. There will be a Games centre to challenge your friends, an Artwork corner to show off your works, a showcase of artists and merchandise along with a few surprises along the way.
We’d love to tell you what all these surprises are about,
but I reckon it’s better we keep you waiting for the time
being, just in case things mess up. You can be sure of playing some of
the latest Sonic games available, including one or two that
aren’t necessarily released yet… We may also be
entertaining special guests…
We’ve set up this new website for the Summer of Sonic event so that you can find as much information as possible about how to get there and what to expect. If you’re definitely set on coming, we would love you to sign the “I’m There!” page (you will need to register an account on this site - it’s a simple Wordpress account - to post to avoid spam) so we can expect you as a guest. We may have to turn away those we are not expecting.
If this event turns out well, it may be possible to expand on it - add things, invite more people, more locations… the possibilities are endless. The Summer of Sonic could well be an annual convention with your support, so let’s get together and have some fun! We’ll see you there!
NOTE: While we would love as many people, of all age ranges, to attend the Summer of Sonic event, we would like to make obvious our disclaimer on young Sonic-a-holics aged 15 and under. We would recommend these Sonic fanatics of the future be accompanied by a suitable parent or guardian, as the event organisers (that’s us), SEGA Europe (that’s them) or any other Summer of Sonic attendee are not responsible for their supervision.
June 12th, 2008 at 5:58 pm
I really wish I could make it =( It’s a long hop over the pond!
Regardless, I hope you all have a blast, and share some pictures of the event once things are finished!
June 13th, 2008 at 3:45 pm
Svend let me first say that this site is looking more sexier than Dr. Eggman’s most devious of schemes in history. Love the colour scheme (feels warm and inviting much like in the past with SoS 2006) and the fantastic layout (so retro yet ‘PRINCE fresh’ at the same time).
It’s becoming more of a reality and one to be embraced for years to come (no matter how successful it is). I’m very proud to be among this proactive group that is the Sonic fan community in the U.K. It’s amazing to see you and those around you (who either inspired you or whom you brought influence to) grow into maturity of the achievements for this concept. I love people who put their heart and soul into this sort of thing and it’s not easy as many people think.
The organisational side of things is looking pretty slick so far with the helping hand of Kevin and SEGA. It’s really all about making the connections work people… Don’t take this event lightly (especially Sonic fans within reach of this country) cuz I wholeheartedly believe that you will see some amazing things happening even if you have been in a convention before.
I’m sure that there will be some special magic in the air (much like your first flight with NiGHTS on the Saturn) felt by all in the event - kids, young adults and parents all gather to share something common - to have fun.
Keep up the tremendous effort buddy and too all the contributors too whom I’ve seen so far (including the ones mentioned and not mentioned by Svend in the credits). Keep pushing yourself to the limit in promoting this fantastic event guys. I will be sure to do my bit as well. *thumbs up*
And also my sincere thanks and honour to you Svend for having me on the credits and as well as dedicating a Fruit Corner section in the event. You have no idea how happy I am to be mentioned and to be involved in all of this. You’ll probably see me juggling fruit or showing just how many tubs of yogurt I can eat in a minute to the crowd but be sure to know that no matter how silly the things I do in that event I will give it my very best.
June 13th, 2008 at 4:54 pm
I really want to go too! Alas I have to attend my Hen day / night which has already been arranged nevermind! I wish everyone a happy, successful and safe event.
I wish all the SS staff the best of luck, I’m confident it will work out.
Best wishes
Allybee x
PS - If there’s an opportunity to post pictures, fan fiction and such like on this website I’ll certainly contribute!